3 - D Fibrous Assemblies : properties , applications and modelling of three-dimenional textile structures /
HU , Jinlian
3 - D Fibrous Assemblies : properties , applications and modelling of three-dimenional textile structures / Jinlian HU - - New York : Woodhead , c2008 . - xviii , 260 p . : ill . ; 24cm .
Includes Reference and Index .
1 . Fibrcs .
2 . Technical Textiles .
3 . TE .
677.02832 / HUT
3 - D Fibrous Assemblies : properties , applications and modelling of three-dimenional textile structures / Jinlian HU - - New York : Woodhead , c2008 . - xviii , 260 p . : ill . ; 24cm .
Includes Reference and Index .
1 . Fibrcs .
2 . Technical Textiles .
3 . TE .
677.02832 / HUT