Ecotourism & & The Sundarbans : alterative policies for development /
Hakim , Sheikh Serajul
Ecotourism & & The Sundarbans : alterative policies for development / Sheikh Serajul Hakim - 1st ed . - Dhaka : U.G.C. , c2007 . - xv ,101p . : ill . ; 22cm .
Bibliography : P . 98-100 .
1 . Ecology - Khulna Sandarbans .
2 . Forest & Forestry .
3 . Chemistry .
577.354925 / HAE
Ecotourism & & The Sundarbans : alterative policies for development / Sheikh Serajul Hakim - 1st ed . - Dhaka : U.G.C. , c2007 . - xv ,101p . : ill . ; 22cm .
Bibliography : P . 98-100 .
1 . Ecology - Khulna Sandarbans .
2 . Forest & Forestry .
3 . Chemistry .
577.354925 / HAE